Using weights in your workouts can help your Menopause.

Never mind beach ready.  Let’s get menopause ready !  Let’s look at some numbers. Between 2007 and 2017 the population of age 65+ increased almost 3% to 12 million people.  6 million of those are women. Life expectancy in the UK is 82.9 years for women (79.2...

PERFECT SUMMER FOOD : Lamb Koftas with homemade tzatziki

Delicious cinnamon spiced lamb with the coolness of yogurt, this is a perfect summer dish.  Perfect to serve at a barbecue, but almost easier to cook in the oven. For the Koftas: (makes 12) 800g lamb mince 2 tsp ground cumin 3 tsp ground coriander 1 onion, very finely...

Looking after ourselves : 10 myths smashed to smithereens

As the days get longer, people will soon be pressing the button on their “2021-let’s -get-fitter” projects.  A more apt name might be ‘let’s-make-the-best-version-of-ourselves-because -oh-my-God-we-don’t-want-another-year-like-2020”, but that doesn’t really roll off...

THE BMI MEASUREMENT – a bit old hat?

It’s made its way into the papers recently and I’ve never been a fan of this measurement. Here’s why.  The BMI (body mass index) is a simple equation used in the medical profession to determine if someone’s weight is healthy.  What they’re really trying to...

How we can do our bit to help reduce carbon emissions.

Look, I know it’s easy to stop thinking about whether you’ve turned a light off and instead blame the global corporations but it seems that all of us can take a few small steps at home, shout about them on social media, lure your friends into doing them...

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