Success Stories

“I was recommended to do this by a friend. I never imagined that in such a short time I could achieve so much. My IBS symptoms subsided, I slept like a log and my energy levels rocketed. Not a fan of exercise but I do feel much fitter now and I got rid of a lovely wadge of fat too. Such a brilliant programme.”
TM, Buckinghamshire

Ellen, Stratford

Ellen, Stratford

32 cms over two consecutive Blasts

“I lost my Mother two years ago and that hit me hard and I turned to sugar. I’m now in a good place with food and exercise thanks to you and I feel very positive about keeping it up. The support is incredible and the workouts are great with all the humour and banter (takes away the pain). My biggest loss is on my waist 6.5cm…I’m absolutely delighted”.
Sarah, Berkshire

Sarah, Berkshire

33 cms over two Blasts during lockdown

“I read about Blast in the Sunday papers and I am well and truly hooked now. It is so good to know that there is someone out there I can relate to, who has thought about people like me and who offers the chance of fitness again at my stage of life. I lost over a stone and 17cm off my waist alone!”
Patsy, Leeds

Patsy, Leeds

18 cms

“I’m getting married and I still kept thinking it was months away. My stressful job and lack of time meant going to the gym was out of the question. I needed a kick-start… actually, just the kick. This was it. The short workouts suited me (still hate squat jumps) and the food rules were easy to follow. It fell off me which has encouraged me to keep going until my big day. Big day, small dress!”
Richard, London

Richard, London

23 cms

“I will do Blast again but I will NEVER do it whilst Rugby World Cup is on. I had to watch my mates drink beer which was hell. I loved the workouts, loved the food and thought the whole programme was very well put together with astounding results.”
Jane, London

Jane, London

26.5 cms

“For me it was about doing the right kind of exercise. I was jogging a bit but no resistance work and I was never seeing any results. Food portions were also a bit of an issue. Doing Blast helped me into a proper eating routine, got my thighs and backside firmer and stopped me heading towards the wine bottle each evening. The support and encouragement was amazing.”
Adele, Cape Town

Adele, Cape Town

28 cms

“I wish I’d known about this years ago. This is like a worldwide cyber bootcamp. The workouts are demanding and the support and encouragement are beyond expectation. Annie’s dry humour kept me amused and I used to look forward to her email dropping into my inbox every day. After the programme I was scared that I wouldn’t be able to continue what I had learnt, but it was a cinch. It still is.”

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