Why A Good, Proper Sleep Will Aid Your Weight Loss Efforts
When I say ‘good’ sleep, I’m talking at least 7 hours of uninterrupted snoozing. Ok… maybe one visit to the loo, but then you fall back to sleep without any tossing, turning, thinking of the day ahead, stressing, mulling or dwelling. Does Sleep...Annie Deadman Featured in the Daily Mail
We are delighted with the excellent press coverage of our Online Blast Plan in the Daily Mail today. The online version of the article is “How YOU can shift your midlife middle! FEMAIL meets the trainer who says she has the secret, especially if you hate the...10 Strategies For Avoiding The Post-Holiday “Body Blues”
You’ve worked hard all year. 6am bootcamps, evening sprint-ervals, days without sugar, weekends at the gym, nights spent watching your partner devour bags of Belgian chocolate covered peanuts whilst you sit as far away as possible with a cup of green tea and 15...Page 14 of 14