It’s a funny old word, willpower. It always seems to be associated with weight-loss and comes under many other guises.  Determination, drive, resolve, self-discipline, self-control.  We have to call on willpower in so many areas of our life, like putting savings away when really we’d like to run amuck with our credit card in the January sales, not smoking because it’s bad for us, not taking the car to the shops but walking or cycling instead because it’s good for the heart and lungs.  Even down to being polite to your neighbour who insists on playing loud music every Saturday night, because you can’t face the hassle of a dispute.  In short, willpower is “The ability to resist short term temptations in order to reach long-term goals”.

So if you’re starting your January ‘new me’ plan thinking “I have no will power” then you’re setting yourself up for failure from the outset. Instead switch it around and try saying “I am motivated to get fitter”. It’s irritatingly sensible, isn’t it!  Try planning a few sustainable changes like nuts instead of biscuits, eggs instead of breakfast cereal, jacket potato instead of chips, 8,000 steps instead of 4,000, alcohol-free lager instead of the half bottle of Merlot, but do them for five days out of seven.  Then, on the remaining two days, you can take your foot off the proverbial willpower pedal and relax a little.  It will make life so much more pleasant for you (and your family!).  This January will see almost half the nation mustering up huge volumes of willpower in order to overcome restriction and discomfort that people feel go hand in hand with getting in shape.  It should never be about that.  Ensure what you’re doing is at the minimum bearable and at best liberating and enjoyable. That will give it longevity.  Don’t try to be perfect and squeaky clean, that’s unrealistic.  Plan some rewards for yourself as well as small food and wine treats.  Don’t be “I can’t have just one” person.  You can.  Try it.  Overcoming that will stand you in such great stead for the rest of the year.


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