This is my sister’s recipe and it’s dead simple.  Tomato, Red Lentil and Thyme soup.
Makes 6 large bowlfuls and freezes well.

1 large onion chopped
2 or 3 garlic cloves peeled and chopped
280 grams of rinsed red lentils
1 carton of passata (500g)
2 tablespoons of dried thyme (yes, tablespoons, not teaspoons)
2 litres of water or stock
NB  Add seasoning at the end not during cooking
1.  Mix all ingredients in a pan and bring to boil.
2.  Leave to simmer for 20-30 minutes, stirring occasionally to check the lentils aren’t sticking on the bottom (and ruining your new saucepan…I have paid the price).
3.  Season to taste and then blitz with a hand thingy or put in the blender for less mess.


(photo from

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