This blog is aimed at women.  Women of ‘mid-life’ age who may struggle to knock some sense into their partners, friends and brothers about taking health seriously and getting even small symptoms checked out.  I have friends who are married to men who are...

PREPARING FOR THE MENOPAUSE (peri and post) PART III: Pelvic health

In this piece, I’m talking briefly about the pelvic floor and the vagina, two other areas where you may notice some changes as you start the peri-menopause. PELVIC FLOOR OK,  so this may not strictly be a symptom of the menopause (peri or otherwise) but it...

PREPARING FOR THE MENOPAUSE (peri and post) Part I : Bones

This is the first of three blogs on the subject of the menopause.  This first blog deals with what we can (and should) do to look after our bones.  Right now. Not later.  Now. Firstly some clarification. The peri-menopause refers to the years (usually the early...

Looking After Our Bowels…

That’s code for ‘let’s do all we can NOT to get bowel diseases which may then lead to bowel cancer”. “Tell it like it is, …” The advice given here has been scooped up from a range of reputable websites to help with the symptoms of (or help prevent the onset of),...

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